In the wind I hear the witch\'s cry, beckoning me to that place where neither joy nor sorrow dwells, oblivion.

Walter Lazo
Witch of the Defiled

Witch of the Defiled

Chronicles of the Demon World, Book 1

Witch of the Defiled
Witch of the Defiled

Chronicles of the Demon World, Book 1

eBook Edition
Buro Durkierna set in motion the destruction of the world, inadvertently summoning the all-consuming Possessed Realm, ruled by the terrible Witch of the Defiled, Jazael. Now he seeks death as redemption. Unbeknownst to him, however, other forces seek him also, some to destroy him, others to save him. For it is only the hand that […]
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Product Details

ISBN: 9781311083234
Genre: Horror
Word Count: 100,362

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